Come and see us at EuroTier

A strong team from the British Livestock breeding sector will be at the biennial EuroTier Exhibition in Hanover, Germany from 11 to 14 November this year supporting British Livestock and Genetics. You will find them in Hall 27 on Stand No. D17  

Charollais, Suffolk and Texel sheep will be on display, these three sheep breeds represent the top three terminal sire breeds in Britain, which has the largest sheep industry in Europe.

Representatives from these breeds will be in attendance as well as from other notable British sheep breeds such asHampshire Down, Bluefaced Leicester and Lleyn. Cattle sector and specialist livestock and genetics exporters will be on hand, including UK Sire Services.

Various other livestock equipment and service companies will also be involved with the stand.  
The British presence is partly supported by UKTI and EBLEX - the English Beef & Lamb Executive.

For more, see and

If you can’t get to EuroTier this year, you can always make contact with the UK’s breeding sector through the BLG website.

The photo shows some of the busy British stand at the previous EuroTier in 2012.

1 October 2014